#10. My fingers have been cramped because The Funniest Man I Know has requested too many calf massages lately.
#8. My hands are tired from holding my cute little neice Marlee...
#7. I've been playing too much FREE online poker...
#6. ...and Nintendo DS for that matter....
#5. My flag football team (The Angry Beavers) won the championship and I've been too busy celebrating since...
#3. My husband (aka The Funniest Man I Know) is unemployed and in the meantime we can't afford the internet at home (ha!)
#2. Gmail cut my account off because of sending 56,000 emails to publicize my Cross Cheer Fall Camps (http://www.crosscheer.com/camps.html)
#1. I just haven't been in the blogging mood...speaking of, who remembers mood rings?